Author Archives: Mark

RYA Day Skipper Intensive

We have just completed day four of our five day early season Intensive RYA Day Skipper course. The General assessment paper is safely under our belt and the finer points of Course to Steer and Estimated Position are being mastered 🙂

Meet! Learn! Make Friends & Start Sailing

Meet! Learn! Make friends & start Sailing



RYA Competent Crew, Day Skipper & Coastal Skipper

We have booked three boats and Instructors for RYA Sailing Courses over the Easter long weekend, Thursday 2nd to Monday 6th April 2015 inclusive. This is a fantastic opportunity to sail and train and attain one of the following tickets: RYA Competent Crew, RYA Day Skipper or RYA Coastal Skipper.

You will be sailing on a Oceanis 37

Making way

Making way

These courses are organised by Ashore Sailing and run through Fairview Sailing

Don’t delay, BOOK now

One place left

Next VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course 24th January 2015

Do you know how to operate a VHF radio to contact a Marina, Lock Keeper another Vessel or if things go wrong, The Coastguard?

Communicating with Search and Rescue

Communicating with Search and Rescue

Our next course is scheduled for Saturday 24th January 2015, for more information follow this LINK

To book your place follow this LINK

Day Skipper Theory 2015

Due to popular demand our next RYA Day Skipper Intensive Shorebased course commencing Saturday 31st January is re locating to our Melton Mowbray classroom, this means we have space for two more students. Click HERE for more information.

Ashore Sailing is organising 5 day RYA Competent Crew, Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper Practical courses with Solent based RYA Training Centre Fairview Sailing over Easter 2015. This sail and train event commences: Thursday 2nd April and continues through to Monday 6th April 2015 inclusive.

Don’t miss out, booking up fast.

Follow this LINK for more information.

A new dawn a new sailing day

A new dawn a new sailing day

Our next RYA Day Skipper Intensive Navigation and Seamanship course dates are 31st January, 1st, 7th, 8th & 15th February 2015. For more course information click HERE. To book your place click HERE

Three places left

Two places left

Only one place left 

The Ashore Sailing team look forward to meeting you all on the first day  🙂

Just add wind

Just add wind

RYA Six day Coastal Yachtmaster Intensive Course November 2014

Commencing Mon 17th, and continuing on Tues 18th, Wed 19th, then Mon 24th, Tues 25th and concluding on Wednesday 26th November 2014. Only ONE place left. CLICK HERE to book your place. CLICK HERE for more information.

Last week was the first RYA Yachtmaster evening class and tonight was the first RYA Day Skipper evening class. Good crews on both nights, looking forward to Wednesday and Thursday evenings again 🙂

Evening Classes

Its not to late to enrol on this winters Day Skipper (Wednesday) and Coastal Yachtmaster (Thursday) evening classes we are running at Rawlins Community College starting this week. Call 01509 622827 or just turn up and enrol on the evening.