New RYA Day Skipper & Yachtmaster course Dates

We are pleased to announce new RYA course dates

RYA Day Skipper evening classes

We will be running a second evening of the popular RYA Day Skipper shorebased course commencing Tuesday 26th September 2017 & ending Tuesday 20th March 2018. Classes will run on Tuesday evenings  7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with breaks matching the school terms.

RYA Day Skipper Intensive course (Run over 6 days)

  1. Monday 28th August to Saturday 2nd September 2017 inclusive
  2. Saturday 18th Sunday 19th, Saturday 25th – Sunday 26th November, Saturday 2nd concluding Sunday 3rd December 2017

RYA Coastal Yachtmaster

Evening classes

Commence Thursday 28th September 2017 & ending Thursday 22nd March 2018. Classes will run on Thursday evenings  7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with breaks matching the school terms

Intensive course (Run over 6 days)

Mon 2nd October through to Saturday 7th November 2017

Navigation charts and instruments

Learn how to Navigate at Sea


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