Author Archives: Mark

Ashore Sailing Course Update

Ashore Sailing Course Update for winter evening classes:

RYA Day Skipper Navigation evening classes

Commencing Tuesday 27th September 7.00pm to 9.00pm Full

Commencing Wednesday 28th September 7.00pm to 9.00pm ONE Place Left

Day Skipper Chartwork

Day Skipper Chartwork

RYA Yachtmaster Navigation evening classes

Commencing Thursday 29th September 7.00pm to 9.00pm ONE Place Left Full

Electronic Navigation

Electronic Navigation

Posted 2nd September 2017

RYA Competent Crew – RYA Day Skipper – Refresher

We are organising an RYA Competent Crew and RYA Day Skipper practical course in the Solent Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd September 2017.

This course will be on board an Oceanis 37

RYA sail and train event

On the water

This sailing event is open to anybody wishing to complete the RYA Competent Crew or RYA Day Skipper practical course. It is also open to Day Skippers who want to brush up on their existing sailing skills. INFO


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VHF/DSC Short Range Certificate Marine Radio Course ‘Thursday 10th August’

We only have a few places left

VHF/DSC Course

VHF/DSC Marine Radio 10th August 2017

Its not too late to book your place on our next VHF/DSC Short Range Certificate Marine Radio Course running Thursday 10th August. INFO

Why choose Ashore Sailing? We offer:

  • Maximum 6 students per course
  • One radio per student allows maximum hands on practice
  • Our Standard Horizon radios receive a live GPS position signal
  • Our latest radios are programmed with the new VHF channels introduced this year


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New RYA Day Skipper & Yachtmaster course Dates

We are pleased to announce new RYA course dates

RYA Day Skipper evening classes

We will be running a second evening of the popular RYA Day Skipper shorebased course commencing Tuesday 26th September 2017 & ending Tuesday 20th March 2018. Classes will run on Tuesday evenings  7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with breaks matching the school terms.

RYA Day Skipper Intensive course (Run over 6 days)

  1. Monday 28th August to Saturday 2nd September 2017 inclusive
  2. Saturday 18th Sunday 19th, Saturday 25th – Sunday 26th November, Saturday 2nd concluding Sunday 3rd December 2017

RYA Coastal Yachtmaster

Evening classes

Commence Thursday 28th September 2017 & ending Thursday 22nd March 2018. Classes will run on Thursday evenings  7:00 pm to 9:00 pm with breaks matching the school terms

Intensive course (Run over 6 days)

Mon 2nd October through to Saturday 7th November 2017

Navigation charts and instruments

Learn how to Navigate at Sea


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RYA Day Skipper Practical

We have two places available for our Next RYA Day Skipper Practical course we are organising.

Day Skipper training

Sailing upwind, starboard tack

This five day training event (Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd September 2017) will depart from the River Hamble and continue in The Solent


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Forthcoming RYA Courses

We are taking bookings now for our forthcoming RYA courses

Departing Cowes Harbour

If you find the course you want on a date that suits you, then all you have to do is follow this LINK to book your place online.

VHF/DSC Short Range Certificate Marine Radio Course Info

  • Thursday 6th July
  • Thursday 10th August
  • Thursday 7th September

RYA Competent Crew Practical Info

  • Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd September 2017

RYA Day Skipper Practical Info

  • Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd September 2017

RYA Day Skipper winter night classes Info

  • Wednesday evenings – commencing 27th September 2017

RYA Yachtmaster winter night classes Info

  • Thursday evenings – commences 28th September 2017

Book Here

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VHF Course

VHF Course

VHF operator at work

We still have a few places left on our next VHF course running on Sunday 21st May 2017.

For more information about this one day course and to BOOK your place follow this LINK



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RYA Training in The Solent

We have recently completed a successful two weeks RYA training in The Solent. Some received RYA Competent Crew and Day Skipper Certificates, others had came aboard to refresh their sailing skills.



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RYA Course Dates 2017

New RYA Course dates announced

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VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course:

  • Thursday 11th May
  • Sunday 21st May
  • Thursday 8th June
  • Thursday 6th July
  • Thursday 10th August
  • Thursday 7th September

RYA Day Skipper Intensive Theory course:

  • Monday 24th – Saturday 29th April inclusive RUN

RYA Coastal Yachtmaster Intensive Theory course:

  • Monday 15th – Saturday 20th May inclusive FULL

RYA Day Skipper and Competent Crew Practical:

  • Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd September inclusive

RYA Day Skipper Evening Classes Commence:

  • Wednesday 27th September  1900 – 2100 hrs

RYA Coastal Yachtmaster Evening Classes Commence:

  • Thursday 28th September 1900 – 2100 hrs

RYA First Aid:

  • Saturday 21st October


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RYA Day Skipper-Competent Crew

There is still time to book the last place on the RYA Day Skipper – Competent Crew course we are organising in The Solent  Wednesday 19th – Sunday 23rd April 2017 inclusive.

[envira-gallery id=”5270″]

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A Busy RYA Training Week

RYA Day Skipper night class 2016-2017

This week has been the culmination of the end of winter RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Yachtmaster evening classes, concluding with the RYA First Aid course.

Congratulations to all our students who attended and successfully completed their chosen course and thank you for choosing Ashore Sailing for your RYA training.

RYA Coastal Yachtmaster class 2016-2017

Some of you have already booked further training with us and we look forward to welcoming you back on board soon.




RYA First Aid




Finally the Ashore Sailing team would like to wish you all fair winds and tides and a great 2017 sailing season.