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RYA Training in The Solent

Sail Training in The Solent

Sail Training in The Solent

Many congratulations to our new Day Skippers and Competent Crew. We had a great five days in The Solent on one of Fairview Sailings Oceanis 37’s. Well done everyone from the Ashore Sailing team

New Course Dates

RYA Day Skipper theory evening classes: INFO
RYA Coastal Yachtmaster theory evening classes: INFO
RYA Competent Crew practical course (Location The Solent) INFO
RYA Day Skipper practical course (Location The Solent): INFO
VHF/DSC Marine Radio course & assessment (November 7th) INFO

From the classroom to the boat :-)

From the classroom to the boat 🙂

Don’t miss out, BOOK YOUR PLACE now

RYA Navigation Evening Classes – BOOK NOW

RYA Navigation evening classes commence October 2015

Don’t leave it to the last minute, follow this LINK and book your RYA  Day Skipper or Coastal Yachtmaster Navigation evening class place now. Classes commence 7th & 8th October respectively and will run at Rawlins Academy, Quorn, a £25.00 deposit will secure your place with nothing more to pay until mid September.

RYA First Aid

Only ONE place left on our next RYA First Aid Course running Saturday 25th April 2015 at Melton Mowbray. Click HERE to Book your Place

Make sure you know what is the most up to date  and current First Aid practice.

A reminder to all RYA Instructors and Yachtmasters, check your certificate is still in date.

For more course information follow this LINK

Checking Vital Signs

Checking Vital Signs


RYA Easter Sail Training

All Ashore Sailing crews returned to Fairview Sailing‘s base on the Hamble after five days of RYA  Competent Crew, Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper Sail Training in The Solent over the Easter long weekend  🙂

Two of the three crews are pictured below.

Team Mark

Team Mark

Team Bob

Team Bob

Waiting for Sunset

Team Ashore Sailing on Modernistic Lady, skippered by Mark, and Mange Tout,  skippered by Robbo rest up at Cowes waiting for sunset before setting off for a busy night sail training session.

Waiting for Sunset

Waiting for Sunset

Congratulations New Yachtmaster

Past Ashore Sailing student Will Russell has recently returned from the Solent after successfully attaining the World renowned Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence.

Congratulations Skipper! 🙂

Congratulations Skipper

Congratulations Skipper


We are Taking Bookings NOW for September Evening Classes

After celebrating this weeks successful conclusion of last winters RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Yachtmaster evening classes which we ran at Rawlins Academy, Quorn, we are planing  ahead for our next season of evening classes, commencing in September at Rawlins Academy.

Book Here

Book Now

Tonight Coastal Yachtmasters Celebrated

What a great evening class we’ve had this winter. Congratulations to Jason, David, Tom John, Patrick and Russell on successfully completing your RYA Coastal Yachtmaster Shorebased course.

Yachtmaster Success

Yachtmaster Success

Day Skipper Evening Class Success 2015

Congratulations to all this years Evening Class Day Skippers on successfully completing the course. We look forward to sailing with some of you over Easter on our Competent Crew and Day Skipper Practical course we have organised in The Solent.

Day Skipper class of 2015

Day Skipper class of 2015

Successful VHF Course

Hands on radio practice

Hands on radio practice

Digital Selective Calling has been with us for over a decade. The challenge is teaching what it is and how to use it. Today four more Ashore Sailing Students learnt about the advantages of using DSC calling, not only in DISTRESS situations but for URGENCY, SAFETY, GROUP and the more common ROUTINE calls we make.