Category Archives: RYA Yachtmaster

Yachtmaster Theory Classes

Yachtmaster Winter Evening Class

There’s still time to book your place on our Yachtmaster Winter evening class which starts next Thursday 29th September 2022 and continues to run every Thursday from 7.00pm until 9.00pm.

Yachtmaster Shorebased

Classes will run for 22 weeks with breaks around the school holidays, taking us nicely up to the new 2023 sailing season 🙂

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Diary Dates

Forthcoming Courses & Events
MonthCourse / EventCourse DatesBooking Link
FebruaryVHF/DSC Marine RadioSaturday 22nd February 2025Run
March 2025RYA Yachtmaster TheoryThis course will be run over three consecutive weekends,
Sat 1st, Sun 2nd, Sat 8th, Sun 9th, Sat 15th, Sun 16th March 2025
MarchVHF/DSC Marine RadioThursday 27th March 2025Full
AprilVHF/DSC Marine RadioThursday 24th April 2025BOOK NOW
All year roundVHF - Exam Only. Primarily designed for those that have done the online SRC courseClick BOOK NOW to see available dates and timesBOOK NOW
All year roundBuy a Gift CardFor courses, goods or services supplied by Ashore SailingBuy Now

New Yachtmaster Shorebased Dates

Our First RYA Coastal Yachtmaster theory course of 2022 will run in February over three consecutive weekends.

Dates: 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th February 2022

Book Now

Navigation using GPS and a spiders web

Why not buy someone an Ashore Sailing GIFT VOUCHER for Christmas, they start at just ÂŁ10

Buy Gift Voucher

Easter Sailing in and around The Solent

Over Easter fourteen Ashore Sailing members, made up three crews and had an enjoyable, if not just a tad cold, five days sailing in the Solent and surrounding seas.

We all sailed matched Oceanis 37’s supplied by Fairview Sailing, with RYA Instructors on each boat offering training from RYA Competent Crew and RYA Day Skipper to RYA Coastal Skipper level

One crew spent the first day having a close quarter boat handling course under the watchful eye of their instructor, Mason, before new Skipper Adam safely navigated them around the Solent and beyond for the next four days.

All boats returned safely to their home port at Hamble Marina on Monday.

Congratulations to all who took part.

Some Ashore Crew

Some Ashore Crew with their Fairview Instructor