Tag Archives: radio licence

Ashore Sailing – RYA Training Centres – East Midlands

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Ashore Sailing is an RYA registered Sailing School operating in the Midlands area, covering Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire & Derbyshire, offering RYA Shorebased Theory courses including Basic Navigation & Safety, Day Skipper, Yachtmaster Coastal,Yachtmaster Ocean, VHF/DSC Marine Radio & RYA First Aid

RYA VHF/DSC Radio Course – Saturday 11th August 2012 – Nottinghamshire

Our next RYA VHF Radio course is on Saturday 11th August at Bottesford Community College, Nottinghamshire.

This RYA one day shore-based course aims to teach you how to operate a VHF/DSC marine radio, the correct procedures and protocol required for efficient radio communications, and how to make Routine, Urgency and Distress calls using VHF Marine Radio equipment with the latest Digital Selective Calling technology.
The course will qualify you to receive from the RYA, the Short Range Certificate of Competence.

To book or get more course information click VHF

RYA VHF Radio Course – Nottinghamshire

Our next RYA VHF Radio course is on Saturday 11th August at Bottesford Community College, Nottinghamshire.

Learn to operate a marine radio using the latest Digital Selective Calling (DSC) features.

To book or get more course information click  VHF