Tag Archives: VHF course

learn to operate a VHF marine radio

Royal Air Force Yacht Club

RAFYC Club House

RAFYC Club House

We had a great weekend at The Royal Air Force Yacht Club delivering the VHF Short Range Certificate Radio Course. Congratulations to all who attended and thanks to the club members we met for their hospitality.

VHF Online News

We can now offer the course G31 handbook as an eBook.

eBooks are enhanced digital versions of the RYA’s printed books containing animations, video and interactive tools to help illustrate the key points and skills. As such, this eBooks is a great resource supporting our RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate Course.

eBooks can be viewed using a tablet, smartphone or computer which has the free RYA Books app installed.

RYA VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course

Next Course Dates: more course dates announced soon

  • Saturday 16th April 2016 – FULL
  • Saturday 7th May RAFYC Hamble – FULL
  • Sunday 8th May RAFYC Hamble – (2 places left)
  • Tuesday 10th May 2016 – FULL

Forthcoming Courses

RYA Day Skipper Intensive (Theory course):   more course dates announced soon

Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th, Saturday 30th, Sunday 31st completing Saturday 6th February 2016.

VHF one day classroom course:    more course dates announced soon

  • Saturday 16th April 2016 – FULL
  • Tuesday 10th May 2016 – FULL

RYA Coastal Yachtmaster Intensive (Theory course):  – more course dates announced soon

Sunday 28th February, Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th, Saturday 12th ending Sunday 13th March 2016.

RYA Practical courses:   – FULL – More dates announced soon

  • RYA Competent Crew (Thursday 24th through to Monday 28th March 2016)
  • RYA Day Skipper (Thursday 24th through to Monday 28th March 2016)
  • RYA Coastal Skipper (Thursday 24th through to Monday 28th March 2016

VHF Course – 27th February 2016

Congratulations to Hazel, Roger, Stuart, David, Hilary, Tim, Bridget & Jason on successfully completing our VHF radio course held on Saturday 7th November 2015.

Our next course will be run on Saturday 27th February 2016 BOOK HERE

For more information follow the LINK

Successful VHF Course

Hands on radio practice

Hands on radio practice

Digital Selective Calling has been with us for over a decade. The challenge is teaching what it is and how to use it. Today four more Ashore Sailing Students learnt about the advantages of using DSC calling, not only in DISTRESS situations but for URGENCY, SAFETY, GROUP and the more common ROUTINE calls we make.

VHF Radio Course – Saturday 21st March 2015

Our next VHF radio course will run on Saturday 21st March. Click HERE for more information. FULLY BOOKED

Click HERE to book your place

Pan Pan - Pan Pan - Pan Pan

Pan Pan – Pan Pan – Pan Pan

Next VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course 24th January 2015

Do you know how to operate a VHF radio to contact a Marina, Lock Keeper another Vessel or if things go wrong, The Coastguard?

Communicating with Search and Rescue

Communicating with Search and Rescue

Our next course is scheduled for Saturday 24th January 2015, for more information follow this LINK

To book your place follow this LINK

VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course

In 2014 the Marine Operators Short Range Certificate is changing, Student training will be separated from assessment. Students will either attend a full days instruction, or complete the RYA interactive online course through an approved RYA Training Centre. Students will then attend an RYA approved Training Centre for separate assessment.

You can still complete the one day course on Saturday 9th November 2013 by booking your place ONLINE, EMAIL or ring 01949 861050 – mob 07711 170 451

VHF promo 3-3-13

RYA VHF Course

We are running a ONE day VHF Radio course on Sunday 3rd March in Leicestershire. To book your place click the BOOK HERE button.

A session of theory before real radio practice

Follow the link for more information