Author Archives: Mark

RYA Day Skipper – Competent Crew – Refresher

Fair Weather Sail Training

We are organising an RYA Day Skipper, Competent Crew five day sailing course. We will setting  sail out of The Hamble and have one place left.

This event is open to anyone wishing to complete one of the above courses. Its also open to anyone wishing to brush up on their existing skills.

Dates: Wednesday 19th – Sunday 23rd April 2017 inclusive                                                     Location: The Solent                                                                                                                               Cost: £395.00 pp

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First Aid Course-Two Places Available

The New RYA First Aid Manual

Due to a last minute cancellation we have two places available on our RYA First Aid course running this Saturday 25th March 2017 at Melton Mowbray.

The cost of the course includes the new RYA First Aid Manual specifically produced to reflect the particular conditions Skippers and crews face at sea. Vocational certification is also available for an additional fee.






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RYA VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course

Its not too late to book your place on our next  RYA VHF marine radio course

  • Thursday 6th April 2017 Taking Bookings   One place left
  • Sunday 21st May 2017 Taking Bookings  Six places left

VHF/DSC Marine Radio

About the Course

This one day course will show you how to operate a modern VHF  DSC marine radio. Successful completion will qualifying you to operate both handheld and fixed VHF/DSC sets.

You will learn the correct voice procedure and which channels to use when making and receiving Routine, Securite, Pan Pan, Mayday Relay and Mayday voice messages.

Other Features

Another important feature of the modern marine radio is the ability to send and receive DSC alerts, all this and more will be covered and practiced by you using our Standard Horizon radios.

Other Topics covered

GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)

AIS (Automatic Identification System)

ATIS (Automatic Transmitter Identification System)

What sets our radio courses apart:

  1. We operate a 1:1 student to radio ratio ie no sharing of equipment, this allows you maximum practice time
  2. Maximum class size 6
  3. We have recently added a new pair of the latest Standard Horizon radios to our existing range, featuring internal GPS and programmed with the new VHF channels introduced in January 2017. This offers a more realistic learning experience and guarantees to keep you at the forefront of the latest developments in marine radio communications.

RYA Competent Crew & Day Skipper Practical Course-Solent

 RYA Day Skipper Course

Day Skipper

On the water


Don’t worry if you couldn’t make our Easter RYA Day Skipper – Competent Crew and  Practical Course. We are organising another, commencing Wednesday 19th to Sunday 23rd April.



Only £395.00 for this five day live aboard sail and train event on a Oceanis 37

New RYA Course Dates: Spring 2017

New RYA spring course dates announced

  • RYA Short Range Certificate marine radio course Thursday 6th April 2017
  • RYA Shorebased Day Skipper intensive: Monday 24th to Saturday 29th April 2017
  • RYA Shorebased Yachtmaster intensive Monday 15th to Saturday 20th May 2017
  • RYA Day Skipper Practical

Navigation using GPS and a spiders web

RYA Day Skipper Theory and Practical Course

Day Skipper Theory

Our next RYA Day Skipper Theory Shorebased course commences Saturday 21st January 2017.

Day Skipper

Navigation at sea

There’s still time to update your sailing skills before the start of the new season. Whether you are planning a bareboat charter, want to participate more in the running of the boat, or update or advance your existing knowledge base then the RYA Day Skipper course could be the right one for you. The dates of our next course are 21st, 22nd, 28th, 29th January & 4th February 2017



Ashore Sailing Christmas Gift Voucher

Stuck for ideas what to buy your family or friends this Christmas? Why not buy an Ashore Sailing Gift Voucher. 

Ashore Sailing Christmas Gift Voucher

Ashore Sailing Christmas Gift Voucher

Vouchers can be bought for as little as £10.00 and put towards any RYA course run or organised by Ashore Sailing, or you can buy a complete course. All you have to do is click the voucher on the left which will take you to our online Gift Voucher order form.


New RYA Course Dates Announced

VHF/DSC Marine Radio Saturday 14th January 2017 info
RYA Day Skipper Theory 21st, 22nd, 28th, 29th January & 4th February 2017 info
RYA Coastal Yachtmaster Theory 25th, 26th February, 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th March 2017 info
NEW RYA First Aid Course Saturday 25th March 2017 info

RYA Competent Crew PRACTICAL Thursday 13th to Monday 17th April 2017 info
RYA Day Skipper PRACTICAL Thursday 13th to Monday 17th April 2017 info


Day Skipper Success

Solent RYA Day Skipper Course

Solent RYA Day Skipper Course

Congratulations to our October students on their successful completion of the RYA Day Skipper practical course 🙂

Next course: Thursday 17th to Monday 21st April 2017