Day Skipper Theory Success – February 2015
Congratulations to Dan, Luke, Steve, Lizzie, Damien, Rahim, Jenny, Sigi and Darren on passing your RYA Day Skipper Theory Course.
We have just completed day four of our five day early season Intensive RYA Day Skipper course. The General assessment paper is safely under our belt and the finer points of Course to Steer and Estimated Position are being mastered 🙂
Our next RYA Day Skipper Intensive Navigation and Seamanship course dates are 31st January, 1st, 7th, 8th & 15th February 2015. For more course information click HERE. To book your place click HERE
The Ashore Sailing team look forward to meeting you all on the first day 🙂
This years Day Skipper & Yachtmaster Shorebased students wanting to put their theory into practice will have priority for available places on our Easters 2015 five day Practical RYA Competent Crew, RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Skipper Sail and Train events. These RYA practical training events are organised by Ashore Sailing for our Students and booked through Fairview Sailing based on the Hamble. There are five crew per boat plus your instructor. Ashore Sailing Principal Mark Davis will be one of the Instructors. Prices will be very competative.
BOOK YOUR NIGHT CLASS PLACE ONLINE. or call Mark direct on 07711 170 451 or ring Rawlins College on 01509 622 827
Winter RYA evening classes commence later this month at Rawlins Community College. If you would like to enrol, or know a friend that would like to learn more about navigation and seamanship you can phone Rawlins direct on 01509 622827 or contact Mark on 0771 117 0451
Yes, its only 6 weeks before RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Yachtmaster course commence at Rawlins Community College, Quorn. For more information follow the links Day Skipper – Yachtmaster
Discounts for early bird bookings 🙂
How to book options:
Our next RYA Day Skipper Intensive Course commences on Saturday 11th January 2014 at Rutland Sailing Club
Yachtmaster evening classes commenced this week at Rawlins Community College, Quorn, Leicestershire.
Day Skipper evening classes start next Wednesday 10th October. Its not too late to enrol!
For more course information click Dayskipper
To book telephone the college direct on 01509 622826
Want to learn to sail? The RYA Day Skipper Theory course is ideally suited to prospective new skippers. The course provides sufficient knowledge to navigate around familiar waters by day, and those wishing to take their Day Skipper practical will find this shore-based navigation and seamanship course invaluable.
For more course information contact us by email [Enquire] or phone 01949 861050 or 07711 170451