Tag Archives: GPS

NEW Fast Track DAY SKIPPER Course Dates

Our next intensive RYA Day Skipper theory course starts on Saturday 10th March 2012, run over two and a half weekends, it’s ideal for busy people who wish to fast-track.

Topics covered include traditional & satellite navigation as well as the rules, regulations and safety at sea, plus much more.

For more course information click Dayskipper

RUNNING – More dates announced soon

To book your place email enquiries@ashoresailing.co.uk

or telephone 01949 861050 07711 170451

VHF Licence – Did you know……?

It is illegal to operate a marine radio without a VHF licence.

To get legal book now on our next RYA VHF/DSC Marine Radio course.

Our next VHF Radio course is on Saturday 24th November 2012 – Book online at our website

Contact us by Email:   enquiries@ashoresailing.co.uk or  Telephone: 01949 861 050 or 07711 170451

For more course information visit www.ashoresailing.co.uk

Mark at the helm

CPD doesn’t get much better than this! We all had a great day out on this beautiful classic boat. Morwenna is only two years old but has been built as an authentic Bristol Pilot Cutter, with larch planking on oak frames and owned by The Traditional Sailing Company.

CPD can be FUN


Congratulations from Mark and Debbie to all the students who attended this months VHF radio course. Remember to use the DSC function whenever practical and keep Channel 16 free. The Coast Guard will appreciate it!
VHF Students

Practising voice procedure

Congratulations to new RYA Day Skippers

New RYA Day Skippers

New RYA Day Skippers

Congratulations to Brian and Gareth on obtaining your RYA Day Skipper Ticket’s at the weekend