Tag Archives: Notts

Ashore Sailing – RYA Training Centres – East Midlands

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Ashore Sailing is an RYA registered Sailing School operating in the Midlands area, covering Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire & Derbyshire, offering RYA Shorebased Theory courses including Basic Navigation & Safety, Day Skipper, Yachtmaster Coastal,Yachtmaster Ocean, VHF/DSC Marine Radio & RYA First Aid

Day Skipper Success at Notts County Sailing Club

Chart Work

Plotting a Course to Steer

Notts County Sailing Club members working hard practising their chart work

NCSC Day Skipper Crew

The boys did good 🙂

Congratulations to NCSC members Richard, Mike, Andy, Brian, Sam, Alex & John upon successfully completing their RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Course 27th November 2011.

Day Skipper Notts County Sailing Club

Our next Day Skipper shorebased intensive course commences on Saturday 12th November at Notts County Sailing Club and is exclusive to NCSC members. Please contact us if your club, group or organisation would like to book your own private course.

Day Skipper class ~ Nottinghamshire ~ September 2011

Congratulations to all Ashore Sailing‘s students who passed their RYA Day Skipper Theory course at the weekend with flying colours. We even managed to enjoy the glorious weather.

That’s not just teaching, that’s Ashore teaching! 🙂

Who said learning can't be fun?!