Tag Archives: RYA Sea School

RYA Yachtmaster Theory

The RYA Yachtmaster Theory shore-based course is ideal for those with more experience and, in particular, planning on taking their RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Upon completion you should understand the principles of navigating coastal and offshore passages by day and night.

Next 6 day Intensive Course 2012

Commencing: Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th September

Continuing: Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th October

Concluding: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th October 2012

For more course information contact us by email [Enquire] or phone 01949 861050 or 07711 170451

Day Skipper Theory

Want to learn to sail? The RYA Day Skipper Theory course is ideally suited to prospective new skippers.  The course provides sufficient knowledge to navigate around familiar waters by day, and those wishing to take their Day Skipper practical will find this shore-based navigation and seamanship course invaluable.

For more course information contact us by email [Enquire] or phone 01949 861050 or 07711 170451

Day Skipper Success at Notts County Sailing Club

Chart Work

Plotting a Course to Steer

Notts County Sailing Club members working hard practising their chart work

NCSC Day Skipper Crew

The boys did good 🙂

Congratulations to NCSC members Richard, Mike, Andy, Brian, Sam, Alex & John upon successfully completing their RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Course 27th November 2011.

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Theory Course – Midlands


Navigate by the stars.

Want to learn how to navigate by the stars? Ashore Sailing is offering an intensive six day Ocean Yachtmaster shorebased courses in Nottinghamshire during 2012 .  Some of the topics covered include Astro Navigation, ocean passage planning & ocean meterology.

Day Skipper courses in the East Midlands

Our next fast-track, intensive Day Skipper course starts on Saturday 17th September at Bottesford, in Nottinghamshire

Prefer to learn at a slower pace?  Evening Class Day Skipper courses start in October at venues in Nottinghamshire and, Leicestershire.

Click Dayskipper for more course information

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal fast-track courses – East Midlands

We run our fast-track, intensive Yachtmaster courses in Nottinghamshire,  but we are happy to run courses at a group or club’s own premises throughout the East Midlands. Dates can be flexible and mutually agreed to accommodate a group or club’s individual needs. .  [Enquire]

RYA VHF Radio Course – Nottinghamshire

Our next RYA VHF Radio course is on Saturday 11th August at Bottesford Community College, Nottinghamshire.

Learn to operate a marine radio using the latest Digital Selective Calling (DSC) features.

To book or get more course information click  VHF