Tag Archives: satellite navigation

NEW Fast Track DAY SKIPPER Course Dates

Our next intensive RYA Day Skipper theory course starts on Saturday 10th March 2012, run over two and a half weekends, it’s ideal for busy people who wish to fast-track.

Topics covered include traditional & satellite navigation as well as the rules, regulations and safety at sea, plus much more.

For more course information click Dayskipper

RUNNING – More dates announced soon

To book your place email enquiries@ashoresailing.co.uk

or telephone 01949 861050 07711 170451

RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Theory course – 17th September – Nottinghamshire

We have just 1 place left on our next RYA Day Skipper, fast-track, shore-based, theory course starting in September.

Click Dayskipper for more course information

End of Coastal Yachtmaster Course

Coastal Yachtmasters 2010/2011

Congratulations to all the 2010/2011 RYA Coastal Yachtmaster class on your recent success, Ashore Sailing hope you all have a great season sailing

More about Ashore

Ashore Sailing is based in Leicestershire and has provided RYA theory course tuition at several centres in the East Midlands region for the past seven years.

We run intensive RYA Navigation courses throughout the year, as well as specialised one day courses in marine VHF radio communications and RYA First Aid. For students wanting a more relaxed pace, we run winter evening classes (2 hours per week x 24 weeks) in partnership with Leicestershire Adult Learning Service at Bottesford Community College and Rawlins Community College, Quorn.

Our aim is to provide a friendly and effective learning environment where you can achieve your personal goals.


Day Skipper intensive 'day one'

Day one went well. Topics covered included, points of sail, buoyage and chartwork.

Practising chart work

Mark at the helm

CPD doesn’t get much better than this! We all had a great day out on this beautiful classic boat. Morwenna is only two years old but has been built as an authentic Bristol Pilot Cutter, with larch planking on oak frames and owned by The Traditional Sailing Company.

CPD can be FUN

Congratulations to new RYA Day Skippers

New RYA Day Skippers

New RYA Day Skippers

Congratulations to Brian and Gareth on obtaining your RYA Day Skipper Ticket’s at the weekend