Tag Archives: Yachtmaster Theory

RYA Theory and Practical Courses


This years Day Skipper & Yachtmaster Shorebased students wanting to put their theory into practice will have priority for available places on our Easters 2015 five day Practical RYA Competent Crew, RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Skipper Sail and Train events. These RYA practical training events are organised by Ashore Sailing for our Students and booked through Fairview Sailing based on the Hamble. There are five crew per boat plus your instructor. Ashore Sailing Principal Mark Davis will be one of the Instructors. Prices will be very competative.

BOOK YOUR NIGHT CLASS PLACE ONLINE. or call Mark direct on 07711 170 451 or ring Rawlins College on 01509 622 827


Part of Fairview's matched fleet

Running with the wind

RYA Evening Classes Start in 12 weeks time

Yes, its only 6 weeks before RYA Day Skipper and RYA Coastal Yachtmaster course commence at Rawlins Community College, Quorn. For more information follow the links Day SkipperYachtmaster

Discounts for early bird bookings 🙂

How to book options:

  1. Telephone Rawlins College directly (01509 622827)
  2.  Email: communityed@rawlinscollege.org.uk
  3. Follow the LINK and fill in our on-line BOOKING FORM
  4. Contact us (07711 170 451 – 01949 861 050)

Combined Ashore-RYA-Rawlins Logo



Yachtmaster Results

Congratulations to Samuel, on successfully completing his Coastal Yachtmaster IRPCS and Meteorology assessments. Two down, one to go.

RYA Yachtmaster Theory

The RYA Yachtmaster Theory shore-based course is ideal for those with more experience and, in particular, planning on taking their RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence. Upon completion you should understand the principles of navigating coastal and offshore passages by day and night.

Next 6 day Intensive Course 2012

Commencing: Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th September

Continuing: Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th October

Concluding: Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th October 2012

For more course information contact us by email [Enquire] or phone 01949 861050 or 07711 170451

New RYA Sailing Course Dates

Rawlins Quorn, Coastal Yachtmaster Night Class

Yachtmaster class picture 2011-2012

Congratulations to all of this year’s RYA Coastal Yachtmaster night class on your success. You are a great bunch and worked really hard 🙂 Look forward to seeing some of you on our next RYA Ocean Yachtmaster Course