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Congratulations To Ashore Sailing Day Skippers January 2014

Ashore Sailing Principal, Mark Davis, was delighted to present five Rutland Sailing Club members, Tim, Hilary, Lois, Jonathan and Mark plus Stuart, John and Laurence with their RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Certificates. The course has run over the last two and half weekends, during which time all the above have worked hard to achieve their goal. 🙂

Day Skipper Success 25th January 2014

Day Skipper Success 25th January 2014


RYA First Aid

Our  next RYA First Aid course will be held on Saturday 1st March at Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. There are limited places, so don’t delay, reserve your place now by clicking the BOOK HERE button.

Ashore Sailing goes RYA INTERACTIVE in the New Year

ASHORE SAILING IS GOING INTERACTIVE! After recently attending a successful RYA SRC conference in Portsmouth Ashore Sailing is pleased to announce that we will be joining the RYA Interactive programme in the New Year.

Initially we will be offering online courses in RYA Essential Navigation and the ‘NEW’ soon to be launched Marine Radio SRC course.

VHF/DSC Marine Radio Course

In 2014 the Marine Operators Short Range Certificate is changing, Student training will be separated from assessment. Students will either attend a full days instruction, or complete the RYA interactive online course through an approved RYA Training Centre. Students will then attend an RYA approved Training Centre for separate assessment.

You can still complete the one day course on Saturday 9th November 2013 by booking your place ONLINE, EMAIL or ring 01949 861050 – mob 07711 170 451

VHF promo 3-3-13

RYA Navigation Winter Evening Classes

Ashore Sailing in partnership with Rawlins College are pleased to announce that we will running  RYA Day Skipper and RYA Yachtmaster evening classes commencing 25th & 26th September respectively. For more information on these courses, and how to book your place follow the links.

Working together

Working together