Tag Archives: courses

VHF Radio course – Nottinghamshire

VHF Radio course NottinghamshireSaturday 11th August 2012
More dates announced shortly [Enquire]

CONGRATULATIONS to all our students who successfully completed their Short Range Certificate course on Saturday.

VHF 25th June 2011

This RYA one day shore-based course aims to teach you how to operate a VHF/DSC marine radio, the correct procedures and protocol required for efficient radio communications, and how to make Routine, Urgency and Distress calls using VHF Marine Radio equipment with the latest Digital Selective Calling technology.
The course will qualify you to receive from the RYA, the Short Range Certificate of Competence.


RYA First Aid Course – Nottingham – Saturday 25th June 2011.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the students who attended and successfully completed our RYA First Aid Course on Saturday.

First aid 25th June 2011

Click First Aid for more course information!

evening class day skippers

Congratulations to all our students who attended evening classes at Bottesford CC, Nottinghamshire, & Rawlins CC, Leicestershire, on successful completion of the RYA Day Skipper theory course this week.

Bottesford Day Skippers

Intensive Day Skippers all do well

Well done to all our May 2011 Intensive Day Skipper Students. You all worked very hard and fully deserve your RYA certificates.

After all the hard work its certificate time

End of Coastal Yachtmaster Course

Coastal Yachtmasters 2010/2011

Congratulations to all the 2010/2011 RYA Coastal Yachtmaster class on your recent success, Ashore Sailing hope you all have a great season sailing

Day Skipper intensive 'day one'

Day one went well. Topics covered included, points of sail, buoyage and chartwork.

Practising chart work


Congratulations from Mark and Debbie to all the students who attended this months VHF radio course. Remember to use the DSC function whenever practical and keep Channel 16 free. The Coast Guard will appreciate it!
VHF Students

Practising voice procedure

Congratulations to new RYA Day Skippers

New RYA Day Skippers

New RYA Day Skippers

Congratulations to Brian and Gareth on obtaining your RYA Day Skipper Ticket’s at the weekend

RYA First Aid

Congratulations to all who attended our recent RYA First Aid course, and many thanks to our Instructor Emily who presented a very lively informative and fun training day. Click First Aid for next course dates.

End of a good day